Monday, March 23, 2009

Writing Tip #8: Seeing Opportunities

On the final edit of a manuscript, my editor writes each question or request for a change on a post-it note and folds it over the page. Let's just say there's a post-it note on almost every page. This photo shows the final edit of Invisible Lines, a book I spent six years writing and rewriting. After having wrestled with this manuscript so much on my own, I could be overwhelmed to see so many comments at this last stage. Instead of getting depressed or defensive, I try to look at each suggestion as an opportunity to make the book better. It's the only way to survive.

1 comment:

  1. What a great attitude! I work in theatre where a writer faces the same challenge of making so many changes all in the interest of improving the script. However, the post-it notes come in the form of actors, directors and designers asking questions that suggest needed changes: these come at you gradually and you don't know ahead of time all the rewriting coming your way. I think I like it better that way. But then again, my manuscript doesn't look nearly as colorful.
