Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Writing Tip #14: Letting Go to Let Voice Flow

If you were a "good student" in school, you may sometimes find your creating writing strangled by the long-ingrained impulse to write correctly. Sometimes I forget to allow my characters to stumble, to speak in fragments, to say what comes out. Speech, thankfully, is not robotic and grammatically perfect; it’s sometimes rushed, sometimes painful, often quirky or unconventional. Author M.T. Anderson is a master of capturing authentic voice. Am I legally allowed to pull a quote from one of his books and post it as an example? I don’t know. Every time I read him, I'm reminded how much I need to let go.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a lawyer, but I think you can post a quote as long as you attribute it. I think the worst case scenario if Mr. Anderson doesn;t like it is a "cease and desist", which means you take it down. You won't be sued if you're not selling it as your own.
